There is no denying that a breakout space is an integral part of the modern office.
A space that acknowledges that human beings need a third place beyond home and work. A place to socialise, collaborate and gather. With this realisation we have seen a rise in world renowned businesses bringing in house cafes, game rooms, on site gyms and libraries to their employees.
The addition of breakout spaces has proven to increase productivity and creativity in workers by keeping them engaged, energised and motivated.
The team at Office Furniture Company has identified the key elements that serve every modern office in creating the perfect breakout space.
Breakout Tables
Bar Leaners serve as the perfect break out tables providing a stand up option for collaboration and informal meeting. They double up as breakfast or lunch tables on the busy workdays and on Fridays the coffees can be replaced with beers , all on this table !
Sit Stand Stools
As awareness around standing up for your health grows, giving people the flexibility to sit and stand for informal sessions is a great tool. Since people are seated for the better part of the day at their desks, the option to stand is welcomed with joy. However the sit and stand drafting chairs have everyone covered.
Collaborative Tools
Tools that can be used by your team to store ideas that arise from their collaboration, such as pens, paper, post it notes, chalk etc. Office Whiteboards are also a great idea for capturing the essence of the informal meetings.
Soft Seating
The soft seating aspect of a breakout space provides an area for the staff to relax and unwind. The use of lounges in contrast to linear workout desks is a welcome change for the workers. Colours of upholstery can bring a playful touch to this space.
No cool breakout area is complete without an acoustic work booth !
These Office pods are highly practical and aesthetically pleasing which does a marvellous job in attracting your staff to the breakout space.
Need help setting up your office breakout space ? Contact us at 1300 997 747 or email us at